Mike Perkins' script, "The Thief of Dreams" was a fun, lively reading, and an even livelier workshop session. This session taught me that even with just a few folks, a script can be workshopped and new ideas for story and character development can be introduced.
Jay Asher and I read the script, Christian Vincent started the session with us, then the internet between the US and France seemed to have difficulty, but we found we could read the parts and go through the session with even just a couple of participants. (My thanks to Christian for trying to re-connect; I appreciate the help with all the sessions!)
After reading the script Mike, Jay and I had a great discussion of the interplay between the characters, and the connective tissue that we wanted to see more strongly displayed. Jay added personal experience to his view of the characters (he is in the field the play was focused on), and the workshop actually ran over by ten minutes.
A new element that we discussed (that we haven't focused on in any sessions to-date) was the notion of how easy/hard it would be to cast, both from a "numbers" perspective as well as from a gender perspective. Mike's characters can be any gender, and this makes it an interesting script, indeed.
My thanks to Mike for the script and to Jay for his critique. I enjoyed the session, and actually found the video helpful for the first time (Jay and I had success with the webcams), allowing me to feel like I was in the same room with Jay.
You can listen to the audio recording of the session.