Joël Doty's script, "Ziggy's Heart" is a compelling dialogue between two unlikely characters (the best kind). She throws in enough subtle sexual tension to keep things moving, and, if you're a comic book fan, you're going to love this script! Actually, I'm not a comic book fan, and I loved this script!
Chase Yenser joined in the session to read and workshop the script with me, and we had a blast. The workshop focused on the interplay between the characters, and how the dialogue set them up for a connection at the end. As with most every character-connection I have read in scripts, I always want a stronger link between the characters. In this case, Doty's script brings me the connection, and we talked about how it can be solidified even more.
I'm finding in these workshops, that I (as a reader) always want more - more connection, more conflict, more emotion, more of everything. Maybe that's just my personality, or maybe it's true that you can never have enough conflict, or emotion, or connection in a script. In any case, Doty's script is tight and fun and lively, and she definitely is "cooking with gas," as they say. I'd love to see this script on stage - the characters are such a hoot, and, mixed into the playful banter are some serious themes about gender equity and societal expectations. You won't be disappointed!
We ended the session with a discussion of this project and I let the cat of the bag about a new workshop session I'm going to try in two weeks: anonymous workshopping. More on that in my next blog.
My thanks to Joël for sharing her script and to Chase for workshopping it with me!