Session 35: Tom Hayes' "Anima Animus"

Wow! Session 35 was a surprise for me.

Maybe it was because my "day job" had tuckered me out as we cleaned up from Hurricane Sandy here on the east coast, or maybe it was simply that spending time workshopping a great script with astute writers and critics is, frankly, one of the most fun things I've done in my life. Either way, Session 35 took TMPW to a new level for me.

Tom Hayes' script, "Anima Animus," led us down a gender-role path that was visceral and confrontational and vivid. His characters spring off the page through dialogue that doesn't have a hint of the dreaded "constructed message." Indeed, Hayes' dialogue could be a model for demonstrating how to build (and sustain) conflict through everyday conversation. This "everyday conversation" was so effectively done I became uncomfortable in my character!

Paul Moulton and Dennis Agle joined in the session, each of them back for more workshopping with TMPW! Our discussion centered on the character development that Hayes takes us through, and the role-based gender play of his casting. Hayes' script is a must-read!

The session is in two parts:

My thanks to Tom for sharing his script and to Dennis and Paul for workshopping it with me.